To sell excess snack inventory, a retailer, manufacturer, or distributor simply needs to call a professional liquidator like Lewisco Holdings. We’ll buy closeouts, close-dated, off-season, and other slow-moving goods and then discreetly bury them into secondary distribution lines where they’re both useful and discounted.
Operating with best practices, experience, and professionalism, Lewisco Holdings serves first lines of distribution with discretion, speed, and fairness. We buy goods that would otherwise eat away at profits and new purchasing endeavors, and then, we pass on quality goods at greatly discounted prices to opportunity buyers within alternative customer channels.
The merchandise that we purchase from retailers and primary distributors includes dry goods, canned foods, frozen and refrigerated groceries, alcohol-free beverages, pet food/treats, HBA items, and general merchandise. Our liquidation efforts include snack foods of all varieties – from healthy and organic options to chips, cookies, snack cakes, and more.
Redistribution of Snack Foods
The snack foods that we buy are still viable, but they’re not in ideal condition for some reason or another. Whether snack items are nearing their best by dates, disappointing in performance, marked as closeout, or out of season, these factors don’t mean they’re fit for garbage. Facilitating their second life is as easy as selling them to us.
Once we purchase products, we immediately begin targeting them to our vetted buyers. We do our best to match product to buyer, and when buyers request specific items, we’ll hunt them down.
The small retailers, schools, food pantries, and other entities we sell to follow all confidentiality rules and appreciate the quality products and great discounts that we’re able to provide.
The numerous buyers within our rolodex allow us to sell all sorts of goods, no matter the season or load size. We target goods to buyers interested in those specific types and make short work of the quality, discounted products that we buy.
The experienced team of liquidators on staff here at Lewisco Holdings does everything necessary to secure your brand’s identity and rep. Our discretionary efforts are needed to ensure that the originating brand isn’t seen in imperfect conditions or environments.
Brand protection is the reason for manufacturer restrictions, and these guidelines extend to alternative buyers when we resell the goods. Geographic boundaries, restrictive display, and prohibitions on advertising are all common to liquidated products when they’re sold at secondary marketers. We sell only to buyers who honor these terms and provide Mabel’s Farms, our own repackaging label to help.
The Way It Works
Liquidating goods begins by identifying the products and requesting an offer. Provide us with product info including the brand, list of ingredients, nutrition facts, photos, all dates, package size, number of cases, pallets, loads, location, and price requested. We’ll pull together an offer, and if you accept, we’ll pay immediately and pick up that day or the next.
Our dedicated carrier fleet allows us to physically handle the shipment. We also work with 13 separate warehouses distributed from coast to coast to quickly redistribute goods. With deep resources for purchases and a keen eye for products that deserve a second chance, we operate based on the principle of “waste not, want not.”
Lewisco Holdings will buy and sell excess snack inventory to maximize the life of these goods. Whether you need to clear shelves or stock your cupboard, give us a call today (917) 210-9395.