When sales expectations and reality fail to meet, make up the difference with inventory liquidators. Companies like Lewisco Holdings can transfer sluggish or dead merchandise into the secondary market without risking your brand reputation or existing consumer lines.
If products are ready for liquidation, they’re likely causing backups in cash and supply flow. Choose Lewisco Holdings to recoup as much of your investment as possible with speed and discretion. Our shipping system, financial support, and experience put us in an excellent position to help you liquidate any unwanted goods.
The longer you hold on to aging goods, the more at risk the profitability of your business is. When you send us the relevant information and accept our subsequent offer, we’ll arrange for same or next day pickup and transfer payment immediately. All we really need are a few photos, the brand name, the type of product, any dates on the packaging, the size of the package, the quantity of goods, your location, and your desired price. We can often send an offer the same day once you provide this info.
As a top-notch purchaser and supplier of salvage and surplus goods, Lewisco Holdings manages the distribution of food items, beverages, pet food and treats, paper goods, cleaning products, HBA items, and other goods. We can purchase a range of goods from anywhere within the continental US, no matter the quantity.
The method we use to liquidate goods is not complicated. Lewisco Holdings purchases your goods outright and then re-sells them to secondary merchandisers. Our status is not one of broker or trader, and our customers are clearly different from yours. All of our buyers are screened and required to heed every manufacturer restriction and standard, even to the point of using our private label repackaging services under the label Mabel’s Farms when needed.
You should choose Lewisco Holdings to liquidate your merchandise because we can handle the load and give you top dollar. We have warehouses across the country and plenty of shipping carriers, so we operate without limits regarding location, quantity, or speed. You’ll free up your shelves and your purchase power with the help of our friendly and knowledgeable professionals.
Prospective buyers of surplus goods should also choose Lewisco Holdings. Examples of the types of entities we sell to include salvage grocers, mom and pop grocery stores, community food banks, prisons, and schools. As a purchaser, you enjoy convenient access, quick delivery, high quality, name brand products, and bottom dollar prices. We can help charities and institutions stretch limited budgets and maximize the profit margin for small, privately-owned retail stores.
Before you lose your investment completely, pick up the phone and sell your aging goods to us here at Lewisco Holdings. Whether your products are seasonal, close to expiration, expired, slow-moving, outdated, or mis-cut, we can help.
If you’re interested in finding out more regarding inventory liquidators – as a seller or a buyer – call Lewisco Holdings: (917) 651-0101. We’ll be more than happy to walk you through the process and explain how we operate – leading you to improve the bottom line of your organization.