Do you need a reliable “how” to sell excess pet food inventory that won’t endanger your brand or take much time away from your day to day efforts? Lewisco Holdings style of liquidation is the ideal solution. We purchase and redistribute unwanted merchandise, providing the best price possible, fast service, and absolute discretion. Simply provide us with the required information about the goods, and we’ll get to work fast on liquidating your items.
The Liquidation of Pet Food and Treats
The team at Lewisco Holdings specializes in liquidating food, beverages, pet items, and select general merchandise. We work to satisfaction for our clients and are honored to serve more than 50% of the top 100 US manufacturers. What makes us different? Plenty:
- Scalable sales and purchasing team
- A deep well of purchase power
- 13 third-party warehouses spread from coast to coast
- Nationwide footprint
- In-house logistics team
- 400+ verified, trusted buyers
- Capacity for particle or full purchase liquidation measures.
The Goods That We Liquidate
Specializing in food, beverage, and pet food/treats, Lewisco Holdings welcomes a variety of pet food merchandise into our inventory. We buy dry, kibble-style food of all brands as well as canned (wet), dehydrated, freeze-dried, organic, natural, biscuits, etc. These goods may be overstocked or overproduced, closeouts, discontinued product lines, leftovers following a packaging or formula makeover, near or past best-by or expiration dates, or slow sellers for various other reasons.
When goods are taking up storage and display space and cash is tied up in the products as they continue to accrue overhead expenses, consider liquidation as the ideal solution. The process will return space and cash for reinvestment. We are consummate professionals at Lewisco Holdings and will treat your transaction as important as the last.
Our process works because we have a network of more than 400 distinct accounts to whom we sell liquidated goods. These buyers follow the rules regarding liquidation, such as refraining from marketing and advertising or online sales. All of our customers must have a physical location, and we allow no online sales or trading. The Lewisco Holdings buyer may be a jail or prison, school, small deep-discount retailer, or other secondary market player.
Choose Lewisco Holdings Liquidation
Why choose Lewisco Holdings for liquidation? We have the buying power, transportation processes, and confidentiality measures in place to successfully liquidate goods quickly, without putting the brand at risk.
We carefully control our buying channels to make sure that the pet foods and other merchandise that we buy end up in places where the goods can be used but not returned to the first lines of distribution. In the Venn Diagram of the first and second lines of distribution, Lewisco Holdings does not allow our inventory to overlap.
The process of buying goods couldn’t be easier than the one we have in place. Once we have the info needed to evaluate your goods, we’ll wire payment right away and get the goods out of your way the same day or the one to follow. We have a nationwide footprint and can cater to the needs of buyers and sellers throughout the continental United States.
Click here or call (917) 210-9395 for the perfect resolution for the question of how to sell excess pet food inventory. Lewisco Holdings will deliver the best price, fast service, and brand protection.