Make room for more profitable merchandise by hiring food and grocery liquidators. In South Carolina and throughout the country, these specialists, like Lewisco Holdings, will efficiently and confidentially mitigate your losses and conceal your product within the secondary market.
Lewisco Holdings: An Experienced Liquidator
A leading liquidator of surplus inventory, Lewisco Holdings has a wide array of connections with both sellers and buyers. We have the money, trucks, and warehouses necessary to transport large amounts of inventory that isn’t selling, is close to expiration, or is simply not sellable in the current market.
We Welcome Bulk Quantities
Regardless of the quantity of your surplus goods, we can handle the liquidation process. Reach out to us when you have closeouts, discontinuations, cancelled orders, older versions of products that have been updated, seasonal products, and any other slow-moving products. Lewisco Holdings offers same or next day pickup and fast payment.
We Welcome Many Types of Products
Our liquidation capabilities extend to a diverse range of products. We can handle shelf-stable dry food, canned, frozen, and refrigerated food products, non-alcoholic beverage items, all kinds of pet food and treats, and various other types of general merchandise, including paper products and cleaning products. Lewisco Holdings works with a wide range of buyers to move many types of inventory.
We Screen and Approve of All Buyers
Our 400-plus buyers are screened thoroughly. They are independent entities without ties to the primary market – the ideal destinations for your surplus products:
- Deep discount salvage stores
- Correctional institutions
- Schools
- Food pantries
- Small, independent retail stores
We Benefit Companies That Sell to Us
When you choose Lewisco Holdings to handle your surplus merchandise, you gain multiple benefits. You’ll mitigate your losses by recouping some of the investment you made in the products, and you’ll clear shelves for inventory that sells at a faster pace. Further, you’ll open up your cash flow to reinvest in current, fresh products.
Sellers often worry about tarnishing their brand’s reputation. They worry that the brand will poorly regarded or seen in a second-rate environment. This concern can be easily dispelled by choosing Lewisco Holdings. We honor all manufacturer restrictions and bury your surplus product discreetly away in the secondary market. We are not brokers or traders, and your inventory won’t be found in any place where you would not want it seen.
The process will be fast. All you have to do is send us some relevant product and load information. We can evaluate your inventory and will send payment immediately. We have 13 warehouses around the country and will pick up the same or next day within the contiguous US.
Our goal is to always go beyond what you would expect when you interact with our process!
We Benefit Companies That Buy from Us
Lewisco Holdings provides steep discounts to the secondary market for high-quality, name-brand food, beverage, and general merchandise. Buying from us will allow you to do more with your available cash. You won’t find our excellent prices through regular distribution methods, and we even offer help sourcing specific merchandise, if needed.
For the best of the best in terms of food and grocery liquidators in South Carolina, look to Lewisco Holdings. Our contacts, best practices and experience enable us to handle your unwanted inventory quickly and quietly. For more information or to schedule a pickup or delivery, call (917) 651-0101.