Food & Grocery Liquidators San Bernardino, CA

Food & grocery liquidators of San Bernardino, CA, help companies within first lines of distribution to handle excess merchandise and those within secondary lines of distribution to buy quality goods at deeply discounted prices. Lewisco Holdings offers expert liquidation through a wide collection of buyers and sellers, a dedicated carrier fleet, thirteen dedicated redistribution warehouses, and a deep well of purchase power in addition to best practices, integrity, and confidentiality.

Food & Grocery Liquidators San Bernardino, CAThe product inventory that we buy and sell is incredibly varied. We handle dry, jarred, canned, frozen, and refrigerated foods; alcohol-free beverages; pet food and treats of all sorts; HBA items; cleaning products; and paper products. No matter the quantity, location, or time of year, turn to us for liquidation. You’ll be on the fast path to profitability with an infusion of buying power and clear shelves.

Liquidation conditions are often of the most concern. We buy inventory that is near or past best by or expiration dates, overstocked, overrun, closeout, marked down, discontinued, leftover, slightly damaged, private label, canceled, turned down, or otherwise off of purchase predictions. Because an item is worthy of liquidation does not mean that it isn’t usable. We’re honest about the condition of goods when we sell them.

We sell to more than 400 separate buyers. They’re alternative customers far removed from the originally intended brand customer. For instance, we target schools and prisons, flea market vendors and farmers markets instead of restaurants and supermarkets. Our clients can be confident that their products won’t be seen where they shouldn’t be.

Our buyers must commit to avoiding display, advertising, and violating prescribed boundary marks, and we provide repackaging services under the Mabel’s Farms label in order to fully conceal the brand. The restrictions that we place on buyers protect the brand’s identity and reputation.

These steps are vital to successful liquidation. Without them, the brand’s reputation could suffer, and we’re vigilant regarding continued discretion even after liquidation goods are sold.

We proudly provide fast offers, often the same day, immediate payment upon acceptance of said offer, and same- or next-day purchase collection. We use a well-oiled transportation network that we leverage to make the most of our products’ lives. As soon as we buy goods, we immediately begin considering the best potential buyer within our network of customers and reach out regarding the potential sale.

Ready for a partner in liquidation? Lewisco Holdings will provide the best prices and ensure fast transfer. If this process isn’t best for you, allow us to provide a sales team to find the best buyer and arrange for shipment while you keep the merchandise. We can also offer a turnkey auction connection so that you can get the best price on your goods. For buyers, we can serve as a partner, looking through our contacts to find opportunities to buy specific goods.

To start liquidation, reach out and provide us with the information that we need to make an offer for purchase:

  • Photos
  • Label/brand
  • Ingredient list
  • Nutrition profile
  • All dates on the interior and exterior of the packaging
  • Package size
  • Quantity of goods per unit, case, pallet, and load
  • Location
  • Preferred price

Click here or call (917) 651-0101 to take advantage of the professional food & grocery liquidators of Lewisco Holdings in San Bernardino, CA, and beyond. We work with confidentiality, efficiency, and fairness as our cornerstones.